Wednesday, March 7, 2012


 El oh el I crack myself up.

The semester is half way finished! ANNNDDD I am caught up on my homework. Fantastic!
I do need to start working on my ethics paper but well yeah I just don't want to. It's funny how when I started school two years ago I was so terrified. Yes, terrified. Even just going to campus was an overwhelming ordeal. This is a huge part of the reason I waited until I was 29 to even think about starting. I have been blessed with some amazing people in my life who have literally held my hand through the hardest parts. They supported and encouraged me when I felt like I couldn't do it. Things are so different now. I'm so much stronger then I used to be. I have a lot of feelings about school. Most of them are along the lines of stress, aggravation and  OMG this is sucking up all my free time. But I also feel things like determination and hope. Most importantly is what I don't feel and that is fear. Heartfelt thanks to all involved in getting me to where I am today.

On that note I am gonna play some game and NOT think about school. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Your blog made me laugh (in a good way) because I had the same fears prior to going back to school! Great blog and keep up the good work!
