Thursday, April 28, 2011

Personal content? Oh My!

Today started as a typical day off, ham steak and eggs at Waffles-N-More and a trip to the Goodwill to see if anyone was dumb enough to toss out a copy of LoD. (no dice) Well I guess in retrospect it was still a typical day off but something occurred to me over my coffee and hash browns. For the last few weeks my husband and I have been planning a weekend getaway to San Diego. We were going to stay on the beach and eat questionable tacos from seaside stands. The planning was going along swimmingly until I realized how much of our weekend would be consumed with driving. After having a conversation with a pilot friend of mine I concluded a private jet just wasn't going to happen. So change of plans! It looks like Jerome is going to be it. I am actually not disappointed at all. A weekend trip to Jerome has been something I have always wanted to do and I would have a seizure if I actually got to see Maynard (he owns a shop there). Plus MJK has the most amazing wine and I will be bringing home a few bottles. The hotel we are staying at is also supposedly haunted although I am not sure how I feel about spirits watching over sexy time. Countdown 8 days! Sorry if that was anticlimactic. My days off mostly consist of tanning, painting my nails and video games.

Things you should probably know about.

G found this one and was reading it for the better part of an hour.

The last two episodes were particularly funny. 

That's all, I'm done. You can go back to FarmVille now.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I don't know who is responsible for the hack on the PS3 but I do know that it amuses me to no ends. Today is day 7 that their networks have been down. My husband is going through Black Ops withdraws. See the problem with internet hackers, especially the group Anonymous, is they don't act as a whole. So while some members of the group are claiming they are not responsible that doesn't really mean anything because other people are saying it is in support of Geohot. Either way it looks like the 360 is going to be getting a boost in sales.
I kind of imagine this is how the people at Sony are feeling right about now.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Just a little blog before I start my homework. =)

You have no idea how badly I want to go to Lollapalooza this year. Unfortunately it is in Chicago and the tickets are $215. Some of my favorite bands are playing but one that stands out the most. The one I have been dying to see? A PERFECT CIRCLE!!!!! and Deftones and Flogging Molly and My Morning Jacket and Muse. I absolutely am amazed at the line up!

Monday, April 25, 2011

If I didn't care so much about my GPA...

This semester is killing me and by killing me I mean it is taking up my blogging time. Two more weeks and I should have more time to focus on what I want to. So for now I will get content out when I can. The Humanities paper that is due tomorrow can wait...until tomorrow.

Anyhow on to things that really matter, like the fact that Pandora is sucking. If it wasn't for my fear of viruses I would totally pirate the shit out of my music. I mean buy it off iTunes because it is wrong to illegally download music and it pisses the RIAA off.

Also if you need a good laugh you should check out DamnYouAutoCorrect. My phone does it all the time and it cracks me up.

Way to defile LazyTown.

Okay back to homework.

Friday, April 22, 2011

I am surprised I haven't heard more about this guy. He reminds me of Eminem a little.

LOL@ his collaboration with RWJ

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Everything you like, I liked 5 years ago.

So I pretty much love this song and the video almost makes me want to watch Twilight...only not really. I just love Hayley Williams. She is HAWT!

I don't even know what to say about Tegan and Sara. Amazing doesn't begin to cover it. I would say "Call it Off" is my new favorite song but I say that about a lot of songs. Whatever I am listening to at the time is my new favorite song. But no really I less than three them BIG TIME! Oh and if you are ever feeling suicidally depressed you can totally listen to "Knife Going In". Kidding don't listen to that if you are suicidal, you should listen to Israel Kamakawiwo "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"...and get a therapist.

Ok so lets talk Damien Rice. Back in 2006 he and longtime band mate Lisa Hannigan put out the album "9" which included the single "Rootless Tree". By the next year they had split up and she was pursuing her solo career. It wasn't until 2010, 3 years later that he spoke openly of the break-up. Apparently they were dating and he was a total dick to her. One night before they took the stage he fired her and left her backstage crying while he played the show alone. The next day she caught a plane home and never spoke to him again. In the interview he was quoted saying “I love her so much. And I love her so much that I love that she hasn’t spoken to me—because even in that I have learned so much over the last two years.” “I would give away all the music success, all the songs, and the whole experience to still have Lisa in my life.” Ouch. Sucks to be you buddy. Here's a hint Damien. Don't treat the hottest woman you will ever touch like shit. I don't especially like Lisa's solo stuff but at least she looks happy. On a sad side note my inner Hipster died a little the day I heard "9 crimes" at Starbucks. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

New music

These guys remind me of a modern day Simon and Garfunkle. Not too bad but I expected better being recommended 9/10 by Spin Magazine. Maybe a little too indy folk for me. Favorite lyrics "Could I wash my hands of just looking out for me?"

The Airborne Toxic Event has been described as a  rock'n'roll equivalent of a tear-soaked novella and I LOVE them! They remind me of the Strokes. This very well could become one of my new favorite bands. Favorite lyrics
"Days pass and turn into weeks,
when we don't even speak.
We just lay wide awake and pretend we're asleep.
You go home alone and you're checking your phone
and you're looking at me like I'm something you own."

I have been in a HUGE Panic! At the disco kick. I have had this new song of theirs on repeat for days. "I write sins not tragedies" and "Lying is the most fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off" are my other two favorites.

I will be posting more music later.  :-D

Monday, April 18, 2011

New =3 (equals three) is up today!

Ummm excuse me, your nerdy side is showing!

Since the semester is almost over I have been thinking about what game I want to play next. I beat FFX over Christmas break and I was thinking of starting my FFX-2. I'm just not sure anything could beat FFX as far as love story and fun factor go. Sequels just never live up to their predecessor. Actually I have quite a few options sitting on the shelf collecting dust. One of which is Arc the Lad. It is a tactical RPG and I have been promising myself that I would learn to love them. So far it just sits, untouched. But the game I have been wanting to play the most I do not own. 10 years ago I played my first RPG, Legend of Dragoon. I have such fond memories of this game. I would sit for hours totally captivated. The story, the game play, to me this was the most fun thing since Mario bro. At the time I had no idea what a goldmine I was sitting on and has since been lost. Now in my quest to find the game every collector should own I am coming up with a problem, that sucker is expensive! I hear fabled stories of 5$ thrift store finds but sadly nothing ever turns up for me. I suppose plunking down 30 bucks isn't the end of the world but I am envious of those who can find it for less. I have seen it go for as high as 60$ on eBay. I am going out today to see what I can find. 

How awesome does that look?!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Yeah sweet lemonade! :-D

I dare you to listen to this song and not get it's sick twisted lyrics stuck in your head.

It's Sunday...

And that means it is Postsecret day! Comment anon and tell me what your secret is!

That's WHO?!?!

Frequently I hear something on the radio and I have to write clips of lyrics down to Google later. I know, I know a good Hipster would know the name of a song before it hits the radio but you will have to excuse me I have a life (and a daily 2 hour beauty routine to maintain). Today that happened to me. I was standing at the counter waiting for my lunch when a song came on the radio I had never heard before. I pointed up as if the actual airwaves held the answer to my question and asked kitchen guy "who is this?" "Linkin Park"...

Now when I think of Linkin Park I think of Meteora (which is impressive because that was their sophomore album). But with songs like "Breaking the Habit" "Faint" and "Numb" it didn't matter what number the album was, because it was AMAZING. Don't get me wrong "Waiting for the End" is good but have you heard the rest of the shit off their last album "A Thousand Suns"? It is well...shit. Just take a listen to "Iradescent". It is shameful. Why are they selling out now? /end rant.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Best of the web

In the next couple of days I will be posing my personal best of the internet. These are sites that I visit daily. Let's start with poetry and artwork combined to create sarcastic and ironic truths about life.

Postsecret  is also one of my favorites. Every Sunday a new set of secrets are posted.

I love all things sarcastic so this blog about funny bakery errors is right up my alley. Cakewrecks finds the mistakes so we can all point and laugh.

I am IN LOVE with this blog. RWJ never fails to make me laugh. He finds the best viral videos and reviews them twice a week.

Failblog  is almost the same as RayWilliamJohnson but not quite as funny. Still good in my opinion.

More to come in the next few days.

Too bad it's over played now

The first time I ever heard this song was not on the radio. It was a video of a girl doing an interpretation of it for her sign language class. A Google search quickly pointed me in the right direction. Cee Lo Green. Then the day every good Hipster dreads happened. I heard it on the radio. It was downhill from there. But my point isn't how amazing my talents are for finding good music before anyone else. No no, my point is I have been noticing a change in music lately. It has a 50's Motown feel. Another great example is Adele "Rolling in the Deep". I like this new soulful direction.

Ryan Adams - Everybody Knows

My inner hipster says... I liked Ryan Adams WAY before Casey Abrams sang "Come Pick Me Up" on American Idol!

An introduction of sorts

Sorry the page is still under construction. I'm not a fan of the current layout and all the pre-made ones look like a unicorn vomited on my lap top. I'm working on it.

This is a blog about...whatever can keep my attention for more than 5 minutes. Fortunately for you, dear readers, that means music reviews. (and fashion and video games and cute youtube videos but mostly music) Basically I find cool shit on the internet and post it here. My inner hipster is doing you a favor. I love random information such as...
A lot of Japanese RPG fans are becoming increasingly concerned about the degree to which their favorite games are requiring play guides. One such example is Final Fantasy XII; to get the Zodiac Spear, one of the game's ultimate weapons, players have to not open four specific yet unmarked chests at the start of the game – but the game mentions absolutely nothing of this. Opening one of the chests reduces your chance of getting the weapon to 1 in 1000. Imagine finding that out after 100 hours of play.
See, you needed to know that. Inner Hipster says you're welcome.