Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I spend more time thinking of a title then writing the actual blog

The internet is making me stabby tonight. I'm pretty sure my son is downloading something. 

 As most of you are aware I now work for YRMC. I have my reasons but it absolutely was not because I don't love Good Sam. Everyone I met there has had a profound impact on my life and I will never forget them and am very much in contact with them all. So sappy stuff aside...

Now this is porn! And I have watched my fair share of porn... 

I wish I could blog like her. I feel like my posts run out of steam before I even start writing them. Anyways I like her. She is funny and honest and yeah...you should check it out.

I feel like when I am at my busiest I sound the most boring. I should be sleeping right now. I would take a sleeping pill but I have 8 hours of orientation tomorrow. It's hard enough to stay awake through it let alone stay awake with a Tylenol PM hangover. 

Oh! I got my ears to a 10 gauge! Went right from an 18 up to a 10. I made D do it for me. She's such a good wifey. She was really concerned if it was hurting me. ftr it did hurt but I kinda like a little pain. It wont take long to get to a 4.

One last thing. Why don't you do something nice for someone. Seriously. Wipe that sour look off your face, stop complaining about how hard your life is and do something nice.

Once finals and new job orientation are over I will write more. Promise. Until then you get the condensed version of my life.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

As promised...

Dick sucking jokes, profanity and an overactive gag reflex. If you are okay with that then go ahead and watch. Maybe I will start vlogging. ps God I have pretty hair!

 G asked me today what I wanted for my birthday. It's between an iPhone 5 or a coach bag. Or maybe I want the Galaxy s3. I want a lot of things. Probably an iPhone 5.

Went T-day shopping today. I'm making shit like creme fraiche and roasted garlic mashed potatoes. I'm fucking classy like that. Going all out this year. Except for yams because yams are gross. Anyone who tells you yams are good is lying just to be nice.

 Funny from today. We were in line at Safeway and the checkout boy cards me. (buying several bottles of wine and vodka for thanksgiving) I motioned to G like "what about him"?

Checkout boy: No I don't need his ID
Me: But you want mine?
Checkout boy: Yes...
G: (laughing) He respects the beard
Me: Whatever you just whine like a little girl! (he gets whiny when shopping takes too long)
G: That's not what you were screaming about 3 hours ago! zing!
 Ugh FAIL!

Monday, November 5, 2012

I got dark, only to shine

Have you ever done a thing on a whim and thought nothing would come of it but then something does come of it and you feel like you are standing outside your body watching it all go down? That's where I'm at right now. This is for reals happening. Cryptic? You bet your sweet ass!

Tonight is simple just a little new music to get you through the week.

Marina and the diamonds

I almost don't even want to mention her because I want to keep her MY secret. This is my new idol.

Just listen to "Homewrecker"

Or Numb

Can't forget about Lana Del Rey "National Anthem"