Friday, July 20, 2012

OMG content! I wrote an actual post!

Oh hey! So is this going to be a real post? I don't know lets find out. Beer is involved so anything can happen.

Dear internet gods please don't let the electricity go out so this can be an actual thing...amen.

Let's begin! First off what have I been up too? (not in any particular order)  Let's see. I spent a weekend in Sedona and I really didn't want to come home. Had sushi and quite possibly the best Mexican food ever. Also met some pretty fantastic people and really wished they lived closer instead of all the way out in Oregon. Playing with the idea of moving to the Oregon/Washington area in the future. Who knows, life is crazy.

Here is a link to the sweet hotel we stayed in.
Kings Ransom Hotel

This is a link to the best Mexican food in the world.
Elote Cafe

I saw Maynard in concert! At Yavapai College! I will never view campus the same. It was surreal. Favorite part was when he said "This is real. Right now this is really happening, it is not a movie so you can stand up." Excuse me MJ but were you talking to me directly? #1 "That was real, that really happened" is MY line and #2 yeah I was the girl who absolutely flipped her shit the moment you walked on stage. I'm pretty sure we were BFF's in a past life. He also said some pretty profound shit about communicating and story telling and connecting with people in a real honest (not cell phone or e-mail) kind of way. I really need to see A Perfect Circle before I die. On the bucket list.

The Nurse Who Loved Me~APC

Say hello to everything you've left behind
It's even more a part of your life now that you can't touch it

4th of July was...okay. Not as epic as years past but it was raining and G had a burn on his legs from the salt river that was making him miserable. Poor Gingers. It's a hard life with no skin pigmentation (or soul).

Speaking of salt river that was pretty fucking fun!

Oh yeah lately (as in the past few months) I have been really into YouTube. Here is a list of my favorites.
Cute/sweet British boy talks about...stuff

Jersey couple prank each other and video it. Hilarius.

My Drunk Kitchen
She gets drunk and cooks crazy food. I <3 her so much! Also she loves cheese as much as I do.

Daily Grace
Grace talks about girl stuff. It's random and relatable .Awkward hands!

Jenna Marbles
Funny and real. Also my girl crush. Not sure if I want to be her or be ON her.

Jenna's boyfriend. I just watch to see Jenna.

This is far from all of them but it is the main ones. YouTube>TV just sayin.

OMG a real post! This really happened! Now I get to get drunk and play video games! My life, you want it. No really, not everyone is this lucky. <3<3<3 to you all.

I made the best vegetarian 7 layer dip today. So good in my mouf! MOAR!!!
Thought I would share.

Vegetarian refried black beans
Homemade guacamole (avocados lime cilantro salt pepper mashed together)
sour cream
diced tomato
diced red onion
sliced olives
Metric fuck ton of cheese
Layer that shit
Put it in your face hole with tortilla chips
*You are welcome*

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