Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sure, why not.

Missed yesterday because I worked. So post is up late. ;-)

As much as I have been fighting against it I have fallen into a routine. Not the boring sort just the predictable sort. I'm in a really happy place.

Putting a pie in the fair tomorrow. Dutch apple. What the fuck is wrong with me. smh. Oh I know it was being raised on a farm. You know funny thing. Most things are pretty open for discussion when it comes to my life. I'm the queen of the overshare lol. I don't talk about one thing, at least not here. Those conversations are saved for sitting in the dark talking quietly over a cigarette. Even then it's only a special few.  Anyhow my point is I thought about it today. Tori Amos "Cornflake girl". I saw a video of Maynard and Tori singing together. Let me look that up for you because that's important.


All time favorite Tori song? A sorta fairytale.

Somehow these post just do not accurately depict how I'm feeling. Okay back to the Moscato and not sleeping because that is what I do best. What's the cheesy line from Titanic. Something about a woman's heart being a deep ocean of secrets. Yeah that.

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