This is what NOT studying looks like. Tomorrow is the final. Am I self sabotaging? I may have just had an epiphany. It's floating somewhere in this glass of wine. I should be okay. I'm just done thinking for the night.
Today while we were taking a tour of the East campus hospital I was all like "just take me to the babies!!!" in my head. I don't think that means I want to have another one. I just think I want to squish someones elses baby and then give it back. Working in the birthing center? Oh be still my heart. I know I will end up where I belong...where ever that is.
Daily funny
Tonight G was trying to tell me about a song.
"It's two guys. I think they might be British. I heard the song twice today and it made me think of you." So I showed him how to take whatever lyrics you do know with the word "lyrics" and Google will find the song. Me: so what is the song? G: Ummm I can't tell you. Me: Why not?! G: It's One Direction "the little things" Me: Yeah we probably can't be married anymore.
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