Monday, February 27, 2012

It only sounds like ramblings if you don't know what I am talking about.

I really can come up with some interesting ways to avoid homework. It's like a fucking talent. I know this means I will hate my life around midnight but whatever. I do what I want...obviously.

Really been trying hard to get back into Mörrigan but I am just so far behind. Now Yunna on the other hand is awesome. Only 3 more holiday events and I will have completed What a long strange trip it's been. Three words Violet. Proto. Drake. oh and master flight but I already have that. Uh excuse me miss...your nerd is showing.

I have had my copy of FFXIII sitting collecting dust since...Oh I started school. (fml) But now there is a FFXIII-2?! Seems like Square-Enix does that when they aren't happy with the story line. Hello FFX and FFX-2. BTW X-2 sucked.

LOL penis colada

Supposed to snow tonight. Really?! I was in Phoenix this weekend and it was 80! I literally wore a skirt and tank top. And WTF is a Pacific Nor'westerner?! You sent this didn't you Michael. You keep your shitty ass Oregon weather to yourself! ;-P

I guess I will do some homework. Or I could log on and do some PvP... Yeah I think the answer to that is easy.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood....

I really could get used to this weather!

So apparently trampolines are the secret to happiness. I agree! 

As always Postsecret is awesome. The last secret...awwww

Today is wonderful. =)

Love does not care to define and is never in a hurry to do so.” -Charles Du Bos

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Today is...

Today is the new moon. Astrologically speaking it is a time of new beginnings. You are supposed to make a wish on the new moon.

Today feels like a new beginning. 

For a while there I almost gave up. But today I have a new hope. I feel more driven and ambitious than ever. I feel like I could conquer the world. I'm so excited for school. I'm going to be a nurse. I am going to realize my dream. When so many people just give up on themselves on their dreams I wont be one of them. I have been through shit you could not even imagine. This world will not break me. So thank you and moon. Make a wish. ;-)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Slightly (ok a lot) intoxicated

Well that was a shittastic night at work. I started to write out the synopsis but I don't really want to talk about it. Let's just say I'm pissed off. I drove home blaring Tool and chain smoking. It helped a little. Actually I love my job. 99.9% of my co-workers are the kindest most understanding wonderful people I have ever met. In the 5 years I have been there I have made quite a few life-long friends. But there is always the .1%...

Like I said I really don't want to talk about work.

Let's talk wine. Right now I am on my second glass of Maynards "Dayden". It is a pink table wine and it is phenomenal. Sweet but not too sweet with a little zip at the end. I had it my first trip to Jerome in the jacuzzi tub with the hubs. We (and by we I mean HE) put too much bubble bath in and we couldn't even see each other. Every time I drink this wine I think about laughing so hard trying to empty the bubbles into the shower. I fucking love that man.

Normally when I am pissy I listen to shit like Tool or Disturbed or even (admitting this begrudgingly) Primus. But Taylor Swift??? Oh her new song is so wonderfully soulful. This is the music I love.

I secretly (or not so secretly) love folk. Just listen to Mumford and Son's to understand what I am talking about. 

Yeah I am done. Too much wine and I am sleepy. Holy shit it's 12:30!

Night Lovies

Monday, February 13, 2012

My mind is still on vacation

So I kinda have a lot of stuff to do and not a lot of time to do them in. STORY OF MY LIFE! Homework clean Valentines day shopping. I like to do things last minute. I work better under pressure.
 Speaking of Valentines day I found a great article about what NOT to get. Did you get a bouquet of flowers last year? That says I put absolutely ZERO thought into your gift. I only got it because I had to get you something. Insightful don't you think?

10 Worst V-day Gifts 

We spent the weekend in Jerome for Valentines day. . .and got matching tattoos! Glenn got his on his right forearm and I got mine on my left so when we stand together holding hands they line up.

 It's a Celtic lovers knot or as I like to put it it's Celtic for "he's mine bitch". 

We stayed at the Jerome Grand Hotel and the view from our room was breathtaking. From the balcony you could literally see to Sedona. For being such an old hotel I was pleasantly surprised by how nice the rooms were. The bed was comfortable and the shower had great water pressure. As per what is becoming tradition I didn't sleep well. I don't sleep well in unfamiliar surroundings anyways but couple in with that a night of drinking, a throbbing tattoo and an overactive imagination... I always think I hear/see things but nothing that would convince me proof positive that the place is haunted. I did get a cool picture.

No filter was used and I didn't change the settings. Just a simple cell phone shot off the balcony at about 3 in the afternoon.

For dinner we ate at the Asylum. I have wrote about the service there before but I thought we would risk it. They tend to be slow and snobby but this time was PERFECT. Different waitress this time and she was so fun and friendly. As always we started with the award winning, much talked about soup. Oh I also had the rack of lamb which is my favorite food second to sushi. Weekends in Jerome always go so fast. I did get about 200$ worth of wine this time though. I should be good until next time!

I just looked at the business card from Jerome tattoo company. Johnny Knuckles was they name of the guy who gave us our tats. It really was an awesome place. The guys there are so funny and relaxed. I learned what three down low means from them! As in five up top three down low as they hump each other. Ha! Fantastic!

Back to homework. /sigh

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sleep deprivation

Two more days until Jerome. That statement has me so excited I think I peed a little. And then a friend passed this on to me. Don't be lazy. Click the goddamn link already. Possibly the most AMAZING thing I have ever read. Maynard...from Tool...and A Perfect Circle. My all time favorite artist ever. His thoughts on living in Jerome.
"It's definitely filled with a bunch of crazy people that are pretty much on par with how crazy I am," Keenan says with a laugh. "So, that felt natural. It's a nice place for some honest conversation."

That article reminded me so much of being raised on a farm. I really feel like if I were to sit down and have a conversation with Maynard he would be my BFF. 

I want to just move to Jerome already but for now weekend trips will have to do. I am for sure bringing home as much wine as I can carry from Caduceus. I'm not kidding. I have a hefty fund set aside just for wine. 

I need to go and try to fall asleep. Insomnia is a bitch.