Thursday, December 29, 2011

This is what happy sounds like

I know I feel good when I have music to share. So happy. I have had my morning coffee and it feels like spring out. Played some WoW but the tank sucked so I left that group. My little mage Mörrigan isn't so little anymore. I'm so glad the hubs understands my gamer ways. It's important. ;-)

I'm going to open some windows and enjoy this weather.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

So glad that is over with!

Christmas was nice but...I'm glad it's done. I feel like a toy tornado has blown through my house. One of the down sides to moving into a bigger house is more area to clean. That is why plunking down 300$ for a trampoline was a GOOD idea. Keep the kids out of the house! Oh and remind me to kill my MIL for getting the girls make-up sets. 

In some ways I'm ready for next semester to start. All signed up for my classes. ;-) It's getting terrifyingly close to time to apply for the nursing program. It's crazy how fast it has gone. 

I am sitting here on eBay online shopping and nursing this cold. You like how I did that? Linked the stuff I'm selling all sly-like? What!? I need more Armani perfume! It wouldn't be so bad if I could just breath. At least Tylenol is helping with the fever. 

Think I am gonna play some Dragon Age and zone out. Does it make me a horrible mother if I order the kids pizza for lunch? The thought of even going into the kitchen is making me a little stabby. 

The first Secret!!! I could have wrote that myself! ;-)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

It's over! The semester is done! I can go back to being a normal human being again which means I get up make coffee and play video games in my pajamas. You want my life, I know you do. You know what I'm thinking about right now? Tacos. Specifically the ones from Filibertos. I had them last night for dinner and I want more. You know what else I want (even more than tacos)? Sushi. I'm pretty sure I could eat sushi every day and not get tired of it. That was random.

I made a new character. Third 85? If I can do it in 5 weeks than yes I hope so. Mörrigan is only lvl12 but I think I can do it. And just in case you don't get the reference Mörrigan is the mage from Dragon Age. Anyways yesterday was my birthday. I think we are doing something at my house Saturday. If you are cool (or bring tacos) you can come. Beer pong!

The Guild  A mini series about gamers. So funny.

Monday, December 5, 2011

I need coffee

Well shit. Black board is down and I have a paper to turn in. Go figure. Last week of the semester and countdown to my birthday! I don't think I will be going to the row this year but who knows. Maybe? ;-) All I know is that this year will be much better than last because I'm not going to be matching my sister shot for shot. Yeah keeping up with Rashelle equals me puking in the street. lol. We will see what happens. Maybe I will have a party at the new house.

Damn you eBay. I NEED this. I thought about selling my signed bottle of wine for like 10 second only because it is worth so much money. Really it is stupid to sell things that only go up in value so I am gonna hang on to it. 

Wow...BB is still down. I'm going to go pretend like I care. I need more coffee.