Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I'm a fickle little thing

So I have changed my mind, not that it is any surprise. I do that...a lot. I want to go to Vegas instead of back home. Now I just need to figure out where we want to stay and what we are doing. But really? So excited! 

I suppose I should be doing homework but I know all I'm going to be doing is looking up hotels and restaurants.

LOL @ the 13th secret.

That's all. Back to FarmVille you go.

Monday, October 17, 2011

I do what I want!

Right now I could be cleaning or doing homework. Shit I could be leveling up my new Mage! But no, you know what I am doing? Contemplating 5 foot chickens and how the Dragon Age girls are based off of real life models. It's pretty ridiculous how good I am at wasting time. 

I have also been thinking about my Christmas wish list. It has been pointed out to me by my co-workers that I am exceptionally spoiled. In their defense it is true. There isn't much I set my sights on that I don't get. If it in anyway amuses me you can bet it wont be long until I own it. Anyhow...my point is I need to put my little desires down on paper. I mean I am getting the new Dragon Age but I am getting it in November and it doesn't count...because I said so. The new iPhone 4s? I think yes! A sound system for my new car? I think yes! My my being me is just lovely! 

Ok I need coffee and to get started on my math. Speaking of coffee you really must try coconut cream  coffee creamer. Yes YOU. You need to go and get this right now. You need this in your life. Trust me. ;-)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

On a serious note

Right now I have a research paper due, an exam in A&P, I need to re-take a math test plus all my weekly homework for my classes...which is a lot. What is wrong with this picture? I am seriously considering dropping my A&P and taking it later. I have at least three friends who graduated nursing school, passed their boards and STILL can't find a job. There is just no work for nurses in this town right now. So why am I killing myself trying to get in the nursing program? I have a good job as a med tech and the husband makes just as much money as I do. (while going to school full time for accounting and still pulls straight A's. FREAK!) My point is I am ready to enjoy life. I know life can change in an instant so why not make each moment worth it.

I wanted to post some new music but I haven't even had time for that. sad.

I lied. Surprise!  It isn't new but it is one of my favorite Tool songs.

"She used a poison in his tea,
Then (she) kissed him goodbye"
That's my kind of story
It's no fun til someone dies."