I have always loved Elder Scrolls but this time they just out did themselves. 11-11-11 write that date down kiddies. I also have a bad habit of getting the collectors edition. 150$? Sure why not! But before you run out and get Skyrim make sure you play Morrowind and Oblivion. Yes, I am talking to YOU! You absolutely cannot call yourself a gamer if you haven't played these games.
So, enough about video games. Now normally I am not a cover fan but there is an exception to every rule. Adele's Someone like you is hauntingly beautiful on it's own and about a billion covers have already been made (none of them noteworthy I might add). Until now that is.
I feel like I should listen to some Disturbed now to counter all the girlishness.
Here quick listen to this or else you might find yourself on the couch watching Titanic with a box of tissues!
Anyhow for those of you who don't know I got myself a new car. Not to worry I still have the Durango. Princess is my baby but now I also drive a PT Cruiser!
Isn't she pretty! Love the sunroof!
And I can't drive a vehicle without flying my nerd flag! You win a cookie if you can tell me what this is!